picture of participants of Cyber Safe workshop

La Grande School District recently participated in learning opportunities about keeping youth safe in the online world. The events were organized by InterMountain ESD as a joint effort with school districts and local law enforcement. Events were provided at La Grande, North Powder and Union school districts.


According to Alisha Delatori, IMESD School Safety and Prevention Specialist, there was an expressed need from the school districts about addressing teenagers and social media use. “Today, younger and younger children are using the internet and cell phones. These events focused on helping children and parents understand some dangers of certain online behaviors and increase student safety,” Delatori said.


Detective Richard Wistocki, nationally recognized High Technology Cyber Crimes Specialist, was the presenter. Student presentations covered online safety when using mobile devices, computers and gaming systems, dangers of cyber-bullying, sexting, sextortion, online threats, inappropriate content and peer pressure.


Two community events in La Grande and North Powder served as a “Cyber Guide” for parents about protecting your children online and on their devices, signs and warnings, responsible device use, monitoring and more. Wistocki spent the last two days in the area training some local law enforcement and school administrators on obtaining the proper information when responding to threats of school violence online. Attendees were from La Grande Police Department, Oregon State Police, Union County Sheriff, Baker County Sheriff, Baker Police Department, Wallowa County Sheriff and more.


For more information and training, visit: besureconsulting.com, cyberparenting-101.com, juvenilejusticeonline.org.

